Category: Healthy Choices

OTC meds that might be risky
Healthy Choices

6 OTC Meds That Might Be Risky for Those over 50

Do you know about these OTC meds that might be risky for seniors? OTC medications are quite popular, and this is why drug stores became what they are today. Maybe you have a headache or you experience heartburn from acid reflux, and you will probably take a pill and everything will be alright. But you should know that there are

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foods that will strengthen your bones and joints
Healthy Choices

10 Super Foods That Will Strengthen Your Bones and Joints

These are the most delicious foods that will strengthen your bones and joints!  Are you looking for foods that delight your tastebuds but also nourish and strengthen your bones and joints? You’re in the right place, my friend! Even if, in the past years, a lot of people started using supplements such as collagen to help their skin stay healthy

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flu shot myths
Healthy Choices

Believing These 8 Flu Shot Myths May Put Your Health at Risk

Does these flu shot myths sound familiar? As cool weather rolls in, there’s another change in the air that affects millions of people. The flu. Influenza is the name of the virus that causes so many of us to get sick every year. Fortunately, the annual flu shot can prevent this from happening. According to the Centers for Disease Control

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SHOULDN'T Get The Flu Shot
Healthy Choices

Doctors Agree: These 5 Types of People SHOULDN’T Get the Flu Shot… Here’s Why!

It’s safe, and it’s effective…But who SHOULDN’T get the flu shot? When it comes to influenza prevention, the flu shot stands as a tough shield against seasonal viruses. However, in the nuanced landscape of healthcare, exceptions DO exist. According to medical experts, there are special circumstances where individuals shouldn’t get the flu shot. So we’ve decided to talk to healthcare

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Flu Vaccine Side Effect
Healthy Choices

5 Most Alarming Flu Vaccine Side Effects Reported Recently

Here are this year’s main flu vaccine side effects! In recent years, the flu vaccine has definitely proven itself to be a vital instrument in the ongoing battle against the flu. With the ever-evolving nature of the influenza virus, healthcare professionals and scientists continuously work to ensure that vaccines remain safe and effective. Nevertheless, concerns about potential flu vaccine side

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Healthy Choices

4 Best and Worst U.S. States for Healthcare

Do you live in a state with good or bad healthcare? The United States is big, and the healthcare of every state varies a lot from one another. Some states have excellent healthcare, while others don’t have access to quality medical services or their healthcare system is not that good. And this can affect the overall health of the population.

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Healthy Choices

8 Signs You’ve Had Enough Coffee for Today

Coffee is the quintessential daily beverage for more than 80% of the planet! It’s tasty and easy to drink, and when combined with milk, sugar, or cream, this beverage is definitely one of the things we can’t wait to have in the morning. But like any other “vice,” too much caffeine has risks. When does too much become too much?

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Healthy Choices

12 Incredible Benefits of Using Vitamin C Serum

What does vitamin C serum do, exactly? If you’re even a bit passionate about skincare, then you definitely heard about vitamin C serums. Vitamin C is known as one of the best ingredients on the market, known for its pro-aging support, but also for its efficiency in keeping a smooth, and glowy complexion. Even if you’re already getting vitamin C

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Healthy Skin
Healthy Choices

Healthy Skin: 8 Foods You Should Consume

Did you know that you can get healthy skin with the help of food? Many people say that food is medicine for the human body, and it can help us ameliorate or even treat some health affections, depending on the severity. As you already know, nutrition plays an important role when it comes to your health, and all doctors and

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Healthy Choices

11 Jobs to Avoid if You Have COPD

Do you suffer from COPD? Stay away from these jobs! What does COPD have to do with our jobs, right? Well, let’s understand better first what exactly is COPD. COPD is short for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which is a chronic inflammatory lung disease that is responsible for creating obstructed airflow from the lungs. Some of its symptoms include breathing

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