5 Most Alarming Flu Vaccine Side Effects Reported Recently

Flu Vaccine Side Effect
Photo by Red Stock at Shutterstock

Reaction at the injection site

The most common flu vaccine side effect is a reaction at the injection site, generally on the upper arm. After it’s given, you might have some redness, soreness, warmth, and, in some rare cases, slight swelling.

These effects usually only last less than a couple of days. To help reduce your discomfort, try taking some ibuprofen before getting your vaccine.

Severe allergic reactions

Seldom times, the flu vaccine can provoke a severe allergic reaction. These reactions usually happen within a few hours of getting the vaccine. Flu vaccine side effects can include:

  • Swelling
  • Hives
  • Dizziness
  • Trouble breathing
  • Fast heart rate
  • Weakness

If you experience any of these flu vaccine side effects, be sure to call your physician right away. And call 911 or go to the closest emergency room if they’re severe.

If you experience the flu vaccine side effect of swelling or soreness, these Rester’s Choice Large Ice Packs from Amazon can help!

36 Responses

  1. I was bruised from my shoulder to my elbow last year when I got my flu shot. I’m suppose to get my shot on Wednesday and hope it doesn’t happen again.

  2. I got the flu shot.A few mins after the short i had some forearm pain.which was strange because ive never had it before.I had a low grade fever, headache,and body aches,with chills

  3. I was wondering was it just me. I had a headaches and head pain that lasted several days as if it was more than that. It scared the hell out of me. It hurt to cough, sneeze or laugh, turn your neck etc.

  4. Within an hour after getting the stronger flu vaccine ( I’m 81) I became very weak and light headed. Thought I would pass out. Tried driving home and felt disoriented . I think the vaccine was too strong and will ask for the lighter one next year.

  5. Had enhanced flu shot oct. 10. Within an hour, started swelling, red, hot. By morning severe cellulitis from inside elbow to shoulder, put on Keflex 7 days, now 4 weeks passed, infection, gone after 2 weeks, still a little red. No reaction last year from shot.

    1. Hi good morning that is crazy you say that I know this has nothing to do with the vaccine I wonder if it has to do with the Needles because it got Cellulitis 5 different times in my arms from IV’s and Lab draws

    1. Had the enhanced flu shot and immediately arm was very sore. Came down with fever and chills that evening. Terrible headache and sick for a week. Then two weeks later, came down with a bad case of covid. Took paxlovid and took a while to get my strength back. Never had a problem with flu shots in past.

  6. I got the Flu shot recently and had severe arm pain , bruising and swelling. It has been 2 months and now I still have pain from my deltoid to my elbow like arthritis pain off and on.

    1. I received the high dose flu vaccine because I’m 71 yrs. old. It’s been about 3 months and I’m still having deltoid aching that will radiate into my shoulder and scapula. I didn’t notice any redness or swelling at the site just pain that won’t go away. So when I saw your post it really helped me think I wasn’t crazy. I thought maybe I had pulled a muscle some how. So thank you!

  7. Is it possible to develop edema in lower extremities after receiving the +65 flu shot? First year I have received this particular type of flu shot and first time I have had any problems.

  8. I got the flu shot and RSV shot in different arms on the same day. No problems. I got the COVID booster a couple of weeks later. My arm became red, swollen and itchy!? An allergic reaction? Bad batch of COVID vaccine? Bad injection technique?
    Candy Frankel

  9. My son and I had a flu short in 2005. While I had the milder symptoms that didn’t keep me from work, my son who was 11 years old was super sick the next day. Had to take him to see a physician. He recovered, but developed an egg size lymphatic nodule between that shoulder and neck region that persists to date at 32 years old. He has since refused to take the flu vaccine ever again.
    I also stopped taking the yearly doses in 2015 because it caused me a full blown infections. I would be out of work for upto 5 days each time with severe flu symptoms. So I got an exception note each year after that.

  10. very sore arm and a real bad headache that afternoon and even woke me up at night hurting.Had both shots covid and flu the same time. Never had a problem with either before. Will not get both at same time next time.

    1. I had a bad headache for almost a week after this last civid shot. I never had that before. Didn’t get the flu shot. I never had one but l never had the flu

  11. My Mother, received the Flu shot in the late 80s while living in St. Louis a suburb. With watching what she went through, I or my extended family refuse the flu shot. We evidently have had luck on our side because not one of us have had the flu or even Covid19. I know many would argue regarding the shot but we saw way too much sadness.

  12. I got a flu shot yesterday felt light headed wanted to throw up arm hurt bad and still does left leg hurts bad my neck swelled a little that went away and I have a headache and neck pain sneezing and off and on voice sounds like when I have cold or sick I have never had a problem with the flu shot before If these things keep bothering me or don’t go away after few days going to my doctor because worrying me some. this is the one I received Flu (Inactivated)

    Vaccine administered:
    AFLURIA QUAD 2023-24 (3YR UP)

  13. I had both the flu and Covid booster, one in each arm, at the same time, 11-9-23. I barely felt either shot and had no problem at all, not even sore arm. I’m 70 years old have had all Covid shots and take my yearly flu and have never had a problem. One of the lucky ones I suppose.

  14. If you’re subjecting yourself to what you might think is to help you but it actually hurts you (causing serious side effects) then maybe your body is trying to tell you something….like it’s not needed or wanted!
    Trust your God given immune system!!

  15. I had the higher-dose flu shot last week administered at my doctor’s office. Felt painless and I had no reaction at all. I also got a pneumococcal vaccine injection in the other arm. Boy did that hurt! And it continued to hurt (as in interfering with sleep) for a week! My arm is better now but now I plan to refuse all non-recombinant RNA or DNA vaccines. I am over 65 and read a lot of the medical literature. We have the tools to practice 21st century medicine. Why aren’t we – especially in the country with the most expensive medical costs in the world?

  16. I got the flu shot this year n my arm got swollen and red. Next day runny nose, cough n headache. Cough git worse and developed into bronchitis. Still on antibiotic n feeling better.

  17. I had flu shots and RSV shot, I am 85 yrs old no problems I also had all of the covid shots like six of them. Was fine except for last one. I had diarrhea for a week lost 6 pounds. Runny nose and itching. Finally stopped. I will put up with something like this or swelling or sick for a week whatever as long as I can breathe good and don’t end up in hospital. All four of my kids and their families had all the covid shots and flu shots and had no problems. They r all in their fifties and sixties and their kids in their thirties.

  18. I got both the FLU and COVID shots.
    No side effects besides some minor arm tenderness for 3 or 4 days.
    I get the FLU shots every year. never had a problem.

  19. I had the senior flu shot 3 weeks ago.I’m 80 & get the flu shot every year.This year about 30 min.after shot I was driving home all of a sudden I got extremely tired.Thank God I don’t live far.Got into house sat in a chair & fell sound asleep. Sleep for 2 days & was veryyyy achey. I

  20. I had the flu shot,and I start feeling like presure was going up tru by my chest up then start trembling more and more blood presure higher. The dr send me to the emergency, about 4 hours finally start feeling better, headache the rest of the day. Very scary.

  21. Hello! I just turn 65 and I have never had a flue shot, always fought the flue the old fashioned way. Sweat it out, rest, Vicks NyQuil & a strong immune system.
    Bless from up above.
    During Covid did take the mandatory 2 shots, first shot was no issue no affects experience. 2 shot was same amount as the first 0.3 mL, but the injection technique was very unprofessional. Left arm was sore for over a year. It took me lots of working it out to get my left shoulder back to normal.

  22. I recieved 2 covids shots after the second shot in March I got a bloody nose in April out of nowhere never had a bloody nose before at all all my life, I had to go to the hospital to have it stopped a reaction from the shots never got them again. and I had no bloody noise again.

  23. I won’t ever take another flu shot! I took mine and that night I noticed my feet were numb. Next day it worked its way up to my thighs. On the next morning it was up to my waist. I went to the ER and was in the hospital for four days. I had taken flu shots for 30 years with no issues. It took 30 days for me to get my full feeling back.

  24. I do not get seasonal flu vaccines and have never had the seasonal flu. After pressure from a few friends, and from paying too much attention to misinformation in the media (and Dr. Fauci) I got the first two COVID vaccines. I had no side effects but many of my friends did, and those side effects were severe, scary and long lasting. That was it for me…no more. I am 78 years old and I work hard to stay healthy and maintain a strong immune system. That, I believe, is the key.

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