Never Wear These Clothing Items When Sleeping, Experts Warn

Photo by Sebw from Shutterstock

5. Clothes you wore all-day

If you know what’s best for your sleep and your health, stay away from sleeping in clothes you’ve been wearing all day. You’ve probably sat down and touched many different surfaces in the course of ten or twelve hours while you’ve been away. Even if your clothes look clean, they should not be used as pajamas.

Oliver explains that they are probably contaminated with bacteria and allergens, which can cause irritations of the skin and even serious illnesses. In the case of people with seasonal allergies, the threat gets even more real. “If you wear these clothes overnight, you’re exposing yourself to additional hours of allergies which can make your allergy symptoms (sneezing, coughing, runny nose, watery/red/swollen eyes) worse,” says Pinto-Garcia. Maybe that’s the reason why you wake up in the morning with swollen eyes or a runny nose.

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