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10 Diabetes Long-Term Effects Seniors May Get

Man suffering of Glaucoma
Photy Prostock-studio from Shutterstock

5. Diabetic Retinopathy (Eye Damage)

To protect their sight, all people with diabetes should visit an eye doctor at least once a year. As part of the eye examination, the doctor will dilate your pupils using some special drops so that they can better see the retina (the back of the eye). This helps determine whether diabetes is causing any damage to the eyes. Your doctor should also test your side vision, distance vision, and eye pressure.

The test is painless. But since your vision will remain blurry and you’ll be sensitive to light for a few hours, it’s a great idea to bring sunglasses and have someone drive you home.

For people with type 2 diabetes, these annual exams should begin immediately after the patient is diagnosed. People with type 1 diabetes should have their first annual exam within three to five years after the age of 10.

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