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7 Subtle Signs You Have a Weak Immune System

weak immune system
Photo by Kateryna Kon at Shutterstock

1. Frequent infections

If you are prone to infections of all types, such as the flu, urinary tract infection, fungus, and so on, this might indicate that your immune system is not doing so well. It is not normal to be so predisposed to a lot of infections because your antibodies should deal with them on their own without you knowing or feeling their symptoms.

This weak immune system may result from various reasons. If you know you have a stressful life, sleepless nights, or poor nutrition, then you should think about doing something about it.

The first step is to start improving your lifestyle and taking some supplements to boost your weak immune system. If this did not work, this is the moment to call your doctor. Don’t worry about going to the doctor for these kinds of problems because they’re very common and a lot of people have them.

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