Category: Overall Well-Being

stay healthy during the flu season
Overall Well-Being

4 Ways to Stay Healthy During the Flu Season

I learned the best ways to stay healthy during the flu season by following these easy tips! It is easier said than done to stay healthy during the flu season, but it is not impossible to achieve! I have managed to stay far away from this seasonal disease for years, and it has always been because I followed a number

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weak immune system
Overall Well-Being

7 Subtle Signs You Have a Weak Immune System

Are you having health problems often? This can indicate a weak immune system We all know that our health is one of the most important things in life that we must take care of. The immune system is the one that defends us from diseases, infections, or other intruders that might attack our bodies. A weak immune system means a

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Overall Well-Being

7 Risk Factors For Dementia Every Senior Should Know

Dementia isn’t a natural part of aging. There are many factors that can trigger a person’s chances of developing dementia, and experts call them “risk factors.” There are multiple risk factors for dementia, including lifestyle, medical, and environmental factors. It’s possible to avoid some of them, while others cannot be controlled. What’s important to understand is that a person’s risk

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Overall Well-Being

7 Body Parts You’re Washing The Wrong Way (and Solutions)

Whether you prefer it sweet and short or you like luxuriating, we all have our own shower routine. Maybe you prefer to relax for a few minutes and enjoy the water, or perhaps you start washing your hair right away. No matter what your preferences are, you almost definitely leave the shower or bathtub feeling better than you did before

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Overall Well-Being

Home Remedies for Insomnia: 9 Options That Actually Work

You hit the day at a decent hour, thinking, “OK, tonight I’m going to get my sleep back on track.” One hour later, you’re staring at the ceiling, eyes wide open, and it seems like you can’t stop your mind from racing. With every passing second, you feel as if a good night’s sleep is a distant dream. You’re not

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Overall Well-Being

6 Scary Medication Side Effects and How to Deal With Them

Let’s talk about the side effects of medications! Prescription medications are frequently essential in treating or even preventing symptoms and increasing the general quality of life for a variety of conditions, ranging from the occasional skin rash to more chronic diseases like diabetes. There is a chance for complications or unexpected side effects, and this is common with all drugs.

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Overall Well-Being

7 Exercises All Seniors Have to Try (and 10 They Should Avoid at All Costs)

Are you a fan of exercise? We all know that having an active lifestyle and a healthy and balanced diet will help us be and feel our best, but regardless of all the recommendations experts give us, how often do you really exercise? Experts recommend we aim for at least 75 minutes of dynamic aerobic exercise or 150 minutes of

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Overall Well-Being

Burn Fat While Sleeping: 6 Things You Should Do!

Did you know that you can burn fat while sleeping? We get it, we’re all busy, and we want to look and feel our best with minimum effort. But the majority of the time, we need to put the hard work in, in order to be closer to reaching our goals. But that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy a few

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Overall Well-Being

9 TOXIC Social Media Diets That Will Only Worsen Your Shape

Have you heard about these toxic social media diets? When it comes to diets, there are so many options out there that you can learn about, not only from nutritionists but also from…social media. That’s right, nowadays, as the internet managed to get through our personal lives, we don’t even need to leave the house if we want to ask

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Overall Well-Being

Sleep: 7 Reasons Why You Should Prioritize It

How many hours do you sleep per night? Getting a good night’s rest is very important for your health, as doctors say. Many of them say that having a sleep schedule you respect is just as crucial as exercising regularly, but also having a healthy and balanced diet and lifestyle. A study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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