6 Vaccines Every Senior Should Get

vaccines every senior should get
Photo by SeventyFour from Shutterstock

6. MMR vaccine

If you were born in 1957 or later, you are between 19 and 64 years old, and you have no evidence of immunity to rubella, measles, or mumps, then it would be a good idea to get the MMR vaccine. You can get a dose or two, and it is one of the vaccines every senior should get.

Before the measles vaccine was made available, this was a pretty common illness in the US. But what truly made a difference was the huge vaccination campaigns that convinced a lot of people to get the vaccine, and this is how, in the year 2000, this illness was eradicated in the US.

Unfortunately, all the anti-vaxxing campaigns helped measles make a comeback. This is not good news, and this is why you should get the MMR vaccine. Statistics say that those who have a weak immune system have a higher chance of getting hospitalized for this illness. This is 1 in 5 cases among those born in 1957 or later.

Sometimes, after getting vaccines, your arm might hurt. If you want to say goodbye to pain and enjoy the rest of the day, this ice pack can truly help you: Flexible Large Gel Ice Pack for Shoulders, Arms, Back and Thighs. Hot & Cold Therapy Wrap

Curious for more insights? We recommend reading: 6 OTC Meds That Might Be Risky for Those over 50

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8 Responses

  1. The so-called vaccines are hit and mostly miss! They are also dangerous for lots of people. Beware of the chances you take in having them administered!

  2. A question for you is it just the tdap vaccine that needs to be updated every ten years? I get the flu vaccine & if if the Covid is updated I get that. I also received the RSV vaccine but do other vaccines need to be updated is my concern? Thank you in Advance!

  3. I’m in my 75th year of life and I was exposed to and truly believed in early preventive vaccines but the COVID and the money hungry big pharma lost me with the rush to market crap they dished out. Now I’m very Leary. How much more studies have they conducted and how safe is the Covid vaccines are now?

  4. Please stop promoting ‘vaccines’ as the 100% protection for the older population. Have you ever posted an article with the vaccine related injuries/deaths, or at the very least, the serious side effects? Please respond with the article in case I just can’t find it. Informed consent for all biologicals and drugs should be mandatory.
    Thank you.

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