Category: Medical Conditions

Medical Conditions

10 Diabetes Long-Term Effects Seniors May Get

Adjusting your lifestyle and diet to deal with diabetes isn’t easy, but it’s definitely worth the effort. Unstable blood sugar levels force your body to run without proper fuel. Running on empty for too long or too often can lead to some serious health issues. If you have type 1 diabetes, your pancreas is unable to process glucose. If you

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Medical Conditions

Hearing Loss: 6 Signs You Should Go Get Your Ears Checked

Are you wondering if your hearing has gotten worse? Hearing loss is a very serious issue, and if we are not careful about how we mitigate it, it can end up leading to deafness. No matter if you are older or not, hearing problems can arise from a lot of different issues, but one of the most important is the

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Shoulder Pain
Medical Conditions

8 Reasons Why You Have Excruciating Shoulder Pain

Here’s Why You Might Suffer From Shoulder Pain: Shoulder pain is an extremely common ache among seniors. In fact, some estimates might say that as many as 67% of people suffer from shoulder discomfort at some point in their lives. Our shoulders are the most mobile join in our body, as it is made up of bones held in place

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Medical Conditions

7 Fingernail Signs You Might Have a Serious Illness

How do YOUR fingernails look? We know it’s unexpected, but your fingernails reveal a lot about your health. So be cautious and probably consult a doctor if you observe any changes in your nails. But what can healthy fingernails look like? First of all, “regular” fingernails should have white tips with a clean texture and a little bit of shine.

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Medical Conditions

Feeling These 8 Things? Your Heart May Need Urgent Help

How’s YOUR heart health? Starting a healthier life is the best thing you can do for your heart’s health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that heart disease is still the leading cause of death in the United States. While heart attack symptoms might be the first signals of concern, the body can also show more subtle signs

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Hand Pain
Medical Conditions

Feeling Frequent Hand Pain? Here Are 5 Alarming Reasons for It

How Often Do YOU Feel Hand Pain? Are you feeling something isn’t right with your hand? Because in case it wasn’t obvious, we’re not supposed to be getting hand pain. After all, the hand is a complex structure, and the 27 bones that make up each of our hands are delicate. For as much as the complex muscle structure and

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Medical Conditions

9 Shocking Messages Your Teeth Are Trying to Send You

Are your teeth healthy?  Your mouth might have a lot to say…and not just in general, but also when it comes to your health. I know it might seem a bit weird to read it…but your teeth and gums might in fact have more to do with your lungs and heart than you could ever imagine! How come? Well, they

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Medical Conditions

9 Things Every Senior Should Know About Moles

Are moles dangerous?  Spotting moles on your skin is usually caused by too much sun exposure or family genetics. Seniors generally get more of these blemishes than young adults. Suppose there is a suspicious skin blemish lurking around the skin. In that case, it’s time to see a dermatologist and take proper actions to identify and treat it as soon

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Medical Conditions

10 Things You Should Know About Psoriasis

Are you dealing with psoriasis? You might want to know these important facts about it!  Our skin is the largest organ of our body and it protects us from infection, regulates our body temperature, stores water, and more. So when skin problems arise, they can have a major impact on our quality of life. Skin conditions affect nearly everyone at

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