Category: Healthy Choices

Cell Phone Health Hazard
Healthy Choices

12 Worrying Cell Phone Health Hazards Seniors Should Know About

We use them every day, but did you know about these cell phone health hazards? These days, everyone owns a cell phone. And we even have many health apps at our disposal that can track and encourage healthy behaviors. GPS tracking can also help parents keep their kids safer. And then there’s phoning for help in case of an emergency,

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Energy Boosting Food
Healthy Choices

8 Delicious Energy-Boosting Foods for a Smooth Transition Into Your 60s

Feeling more fatigued as you enter your 60s? Check out these energy-boosting foods! Here at The Lasting Health, we often talk about how optimistic we feel about our golden years, how excited we are to experience the next stage of our journeys, and how much we still want to accomplish and contribute to the world… But do you ever just

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immunity-boosting supplements
Healthy Choices

6 Immunity-Boosting Supplements That Actually Work

Do you take any immunity-boosting supplements? Our immune system has a major task to complete every day. It has to keep your body safe and protect it from all the viruses, bacteria, and fungi that are everywhere around us. This is why we want to help it and give it a little boost. Today we want to present you with

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Raw Food
Healthy Choices

12 Delicious Raw Foods You Should Be Eating Regularly

Have you considered the benefits of raw food? Today, The Lasting Health is taking you on a journey into the delicious world of raw foods! We’ve decided to uncover the most irresistible treasures to revolutionize your plate and liven up your taste buds. Why raw foods? Well, they’re nature’s gift, chock-full of nutrients and flavor, and they’re just waiting to

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vaccines every senior should get
Healthy Choices

6 Vaccines Every Senior Should Get

Do you know what vaccines every senior should get? Find out all about them now! You might already know this, but in the United States, older people account for around 70–85% of flu-related fatalities each year. This is why it is important to get vaccinated, and there are some vaccines every senior should get. Older adults have a higher risk

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Healthy Choices

Here Are 10 Carcinogens You Should Know About

You must have heard of the word “carcinogen” so far. It pops up in all the news stories, and it’s a topic of high interest for many scientists and health professionals. A carcinogen is something that might cause cancer. It could either be a substance lingering in the air, a product you use, or even a chemical in foods and

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Healthy Choices

10 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Nose Congestion

A stuffy noise is a very uncomfortable thing to deal with, especially if it’s accompanied by other issues. Sometimes your nose might get blocked altogether, sometimes it just drips. You can neither inhale nor exhale. You could also feel that your nose is filled with annoying mucus, and there’s just nothing you can do than breathe through your mouth. Even

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power food
Healthy Choices

5 Power Foods You Need to Have the Best Day Ever!

The Lasting Health presents: power foods you need to have the best day ever! Let’s face it: getting up in the morning and leaving your cozy bed can feel like the last thing you want to do. I know that you enjoy lying around in bed and you’d wish to sleep in for a little longer, but that’s not always

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Healthy Choices

10 Non-Food Items That You Should Store In the Fridge

Some people put their clothes in the freezer to get rid of harmful bacteria. Others wrap stem ends of bananas in aluminum foil to make them last longer. Similar to this hack, there are plenty more tips and tricks that people use to simplify and healthify their lives. One such hack involves a very important household appliance: the fridge. Keeping

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foods that are a must during the winter
Healthy Choices

12 Delicious Foods That Are a Must During the Winter

Get your dose of immunity with these delicious foods that are a must during the winter season!  The temperature has dropped, and the germs that cause the flu and cold are spreading. Ensure your immune system is prepared for battle to stay healthy this winter and all year unless you want to spend the whole winter lying in bed with

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