7 Body Parts You’re Washing The Wrong Way (and Solutions)

Photo by Hananeko_Studio from Shutterstock

2. Your Face

There are lots of face scrubs, masks, and fancy treatments available nowadays. They have become a part of many cleansing routines due to their promise to remove dead skin cells from your face.

Trying them from time to time is obviously fine, but make sure you’re not using them excessively. According to Adam Perlman, the Director of Integrative Health and Wellbeing for Mayo Clinic Florida, you can actually damage your face’s skin by washing it too often with products that contain too many powerful acids.

This is called over-exfoliating, and it basically means that you remove more than just dead skin cells from your face—you also remove its lipid barrier. In fact, dermatologists point out that exfoliation is a treatment and doesn’t need to be done every day.

According to Janet Prystowsky, “many people believe that they have to exfoliate,” but she highlights the fact that washing normally every day or two with a mild cleanser and then softly drying off with a towel will do a pretty good job of removing your dead skin cells.

Dermatologists also recommend not using cleansing wipes to clean your face. Whether for the face or body, they aren’t an everyday wash, but only for quick emergencies.

Last but not least, no matter what product you use to wash your face, make sure you’re using enough water to rinse off all of the product or soap. Leftover soap buildup can cause acne breakouts, especially under the chin.

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