Believing These 8 Flu Shot Myths May Put Your Health at Risk

stay healthy during the flu season
Image By – Yuri A From Shutterstock

6. Young adults and middle-aged people can’t die from the flu; they also don’t need the vaccine

The idea that only older people and kids can die from or suffer severe complications from the flu is widespread but mistaken and makes the list of the most common flu shot myths.

According to scientists, the illness affects everyone differently and can be unpredictable. Each body’s different, so no one can know exactly how the flu can affect a certain individual. People who have heart disease, lung disease, respiratory problems, and kidney disorders can all develop complications from the virus that can lead to fatalities.

Moreover, the flu can be particularly dangerous for those over 50 dealing with chronic health conditions like diabetes or for pregnant women.

It’s also pretty common among people who believe flu shot myths to see the flu as just a bad cold, but doctors warn that this isn’t true. The illness can be dangerous, especially for people who are at high risk of flu-related infections and complications.

The best way you can avoid serious complications is by getting your flu shot.

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