Category: Overall Well-Being

blood test
Overall Well-Being

8 Things You Should Do Before Any Blood Test

Do you know what you should do before any blood test? Blood tests are one of the most important ways of diagnosis since they can determine a wide range of health issues, only by examining a small sample of blood. So if your doctor suspects that something might be wrong with your health, they will most likely need you to

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gut health
Overall Well-Being

Everything You Need to Know About Your Gut Microbiome

Have you ever wondered what gut health is related to? You’ve probably heard of gut health before. There are so many newsletters, reports, studies, and articles on this matter, that you’d probably need a lifetime to read them all. But apart from the various studies, famous doctors, and pretentious scientific names, what is there to know about our gut? Why

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Overall Well-Being

7 Uncommon Reasons You Can’t Shed Off the Pounds

…How many times have you tried to shed off unnecessary pounds? I’ll answer this one myself: more than I can actually count! I was always a chubby girl, with thick thighs, a little, fluffy belly, and short, only 5’1”. I remember that I started gaining weight when my dad had a friend that was the owner of a candy shop

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Overall Well-Being

15 Harmless Things Your Doctor Should Know About Your Health

What is a doctor? A doctor is a person who deals with the prevention, recognition (diagnosis), therapy and follow-up of diseases and accidents. The large number of diseases, as well as the large number of possibilities to treat them, has led to the division of human medicine into several specialties, where dentistry occupies a special position. In most cases, the

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Overall Well-Being

8 Alarming Ways Your Health Can Be Seen in Your Hair

Because oftentimes we have fluctuating moods, our hair does too. Not in the sense that it gets up and starts shouting at your or anything. But there are good hair days and horrible ones, and that’s just the cruel reality. So if you have been noticing for a while now that your hair moods are abnormal or are becoming inconsistent,

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Overall Well-Being

Alzheimer’s Disease: 6 Better Ways to Live With It

Do YOU Know Someone With Alzheimer’s? When you receive a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s, you tend to look at the worst aspects of the disease and don’t acknowledge that there are ways to manage that will help you lead a more normal life. The proper coping skills will help you maintain some independence and accept the difficulties of the disease. Your

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Overall Well-Being

14 Best Stress Relievers, According to Doctors

14 Best Stress Relievers Stress is a natural part of life— it’s coded into us, a holdover from our earliest days designed to keep us safe from danger. However, now that we’re no longer in danger of starving, stress is more likely to be caused by non-life-threatening events such as work problems or family annoyances. While the causes of stress

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Overall Well-Being

What’s Behind My Tremendous Fatigue?

Are you feeling fatigued? Fatigue is defined as a temporary state of decreased functional potential of the body, caused by prolonged or excessive activity. It’s generally caused by increased energy consumption and is accompanied by unpleasant local or general sensations. Normally, the human body is in a balance of the internal environment, which does not change if we make a

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Overall Well-Being

10 Active Ways to Beat Depression

Depression affects many people. How do we deal with it? Depression, medically called clinical depression or major depression, is an affective disorder marked by at least two weeks in a row with a low mood compared to most situations that affect professional or personal life. Often, it can be accompanied by low self-esteem, low energy, and loss of interest in

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gum health
Overall Well-Being

10 Easy Ways to Improve Gum Health

Gum health is essential for strong teeth. The gums are made of soft, skin-like tissue and cover the bones where the teeth are attached. They adhere tightly to the surface of the teeth, blocking the penetration of deep plaque bacteria. Healthy gums have a pale pink or coral hue, but depending on ethnicity, they may contain other pigments. Changes in

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