7. Let your doctor know if you are afraid
Feeling nervous when you get blood tests is quite common, and it’s nothing to feel shame about. It is estimated that almost 10% of Americans have a form of anxiety when it comes to needles or blood.
If you feel nervous before or during a blood test, the best thing you can do is inform your phlebotomist. Distraction can work wonders in this situation. Try not to look at the needle and think of happy places. If you feel like fainting, ask for a glass of water or to lie on your back during the procedure.
8. Keep yourself warm
Low temperatures can make your veins contract and, therefore, less visible. This can make it difficult for your phlebotomist to find your veins.
You don’t want to get stung by the needle more than it is necessary. To avoid this, you can dress warmly or maybe go for a short walk to increase the blood flow.