8 Things You Should Do Before a Blood Test

blood test
Photo by Ground Picture from Shutterstock

3. Ask if you can take medication

Medication can interfere with blood test results. It is important to mention to your healthcare provider all the medication you are currently taking or any treatment you have had in the recent past. Your doctor may tell you to skip a dose or stop the treatment for some time. Never make these decisions on your own. Always follow your doctor’s instructions.

Tell your doctor if you are taking supplements or vitamins. These can also affect your tests. Herbal tea and herbal treatments are not just myths. They can have a considerable impact on your body. Your doctor may ask you to wait between 24 and 48 hours before a test to have an accurate result.

No matter what, don’t be afraid to ask questions. If you are unsure about anything, it is better to ask your healthcare providers. No question is silly or irrelevant.

4. Time to relax

Telling someone to relax may not be the best strategy, as it may cause even more stress. Physical or mental stress can release a large amount of stress hormones that are known to influence the results of blood tests. For a couple of days, take it easy, don’t try anything new, and focus on activities you know are relaxing.

Right before the test, sit and relax for a couple of minutes. Listening to music or meditation are some strategies that can help you calm down.

Lack of sleep is also a factor when it comes to inflammation and stress. Being well-rested can help you relax and make your veins more visible.

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