7 Risk Factors For Dementia Every Senior Should Know

Photo by fizkes from Shutterstock

4. Sex and Gender

According to research, there are more women than men struggling with dementia. While the risk of mental disorders is about the same for both groups, women tend to live longer than men, so that’s mostly why there are currently more dementia cases in women.

Things change a bit for women over 80, who indeed have a slightly higher risk of developing mental disorders than men their age. The reason for that is still unclear. It may be due to the differences in the lifestyles of these women and men, which have affected their level of risk in the long run.

For instance, women over 80 may have had less access to work opportunities or education than men their age. Aside from gender, it’s thought that levels of reproductive hormones around the time of menopause may increase women’s risk of dementia.

When a woman goes through menopause, her levels of progesterone and estrogen fall. Some experts have suggested that the earlier this happens, the higher the woman’s risk of dementia. Yet, we still need more evidence to support this theory.

10 Responses

  1. 88 + still learning. I have found the internet has More info. than just the woke info. and childish games with all the bad over the world on display as it happens. I am still going even with cervical spinal stenosis. Emotional stress increases with this problem. Peop[le need to go through the 7 Reasons early in life. More articles on that rather than trans gender and all the rest of the stuff they focus on. If they don’t they wont have a good life to do what it isthey want to do.

    1. Great reply! I agree with you. Two years ago I had aortic valve replacement. Now I have lumbar spinal stenosis and it so impedes my ability to move….and to sleep. Other than that, I don’t feel’ my age. Not sure it that’s a detriment or not. But it’s certainly eye-opening. Dear Lord, just don’t let me lose my mind.

    1. I know that’s my biggest issues. 3-4
      Hr of fragmented sleep for over 30yrs. I know it’s gonna do me in.

  2. Studying Spanish and relearning Hebrew, taking lessons on my fourth musical instrument after a long time of not having time to play music (while raising children and pursuing a career), have all contributed to my feeling of youthfulness, not to mention regular physical activity, regular sleep and eating habits, and a positive attitude bolstered by my abiding faith in Jesus Christ.

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