6 Signs a Blood Clot Is Hiding in Your Body Now

Blood Clot, Signs
Image by MattL_Images from Shutterstock

Can we lower the risk of developing a blood clot?

Yes! There are some things you can do to avoid blood clots, even though, in some cases, they can happen all of a sudden. According to Medline Plus, here is what you can do to prevent a blood clot from forming:

  • Exercising. It is essential to exercise regularly and to have an active lifestyle.
  • Move around as often as you can. Even if you have a long flight ahead, try to move every few hours.
  • Avoid smoking of any kind.
  • Maintain a normal weight.

In the past few years, many people have faced uncontrolled weight gain. Since COVID-19, a lot of employees have adapted to a work-from-home lifestyle where physical activity basically doesn’t exist. Another problem people are facing is the habit of eating unhealthy food. Fast food is still a top choice when it comes to dinner for most Americans.

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