9 States with the Highest Number of New COVID Variant Cases

new covid
Photo by eldar nurkovic from Shutterstock

Older COVID-19 variants are leading to hospitalizations, and the reformulated vaccine is well-positioned to smack them down.

The COVID-19 virus is always changing, with increasingly new variants waxing and waning every couple of weeks or months. For now, the dominant strains of SARS-CoV-2 in the United States are mainly related to the omicron variant, especially a branch of its family known as XBB.

One of these variants, also known as EG.5, has been on a slow rise. It now accounts for over one-fifth of cases, and a grab bag of other omicron-related variants makes up the rest. Pirola is distinct from XBB variants, and it makes up less than 1 percent of circulating strains.

And yes, there has been a recent uptick in COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths. In the last period, they have risen 18 percent. However, that kind of increase is being driven by older XBB variants, not Pirola, as the CDC states.

The good news is that those XBB variants cause hospitalizations that are very similar to the ones targeted by the new COVID-19 vaccines expected to roll out in mid-September.

In other words, the new vaccine version might be a good match for this COVID-19 strain. If a high proportion of high-risk people get the new vaccine, it’s also likely to do a pretty good job of preventing hospitalizations.

23 Responses

  1. I find it hard to understand those who choose to believe that the vaccine will do harm, and believe all the false theories posted by ignorant people.

    1. One thing you can’t believe is everything the so called experts say, about almost anything concerning peoples health, since when do the medical industry want people to be totally healthy(?) That means they would not make much money off of your health misfortunes, know that they been experimenting with Covid since 1931, concerning germ-warfare, and up until 2020, they finally got the right variant introduce to all of humanity, trying to so called reduce the human population, and they are still trying new options with the same virus RNA, because there are as many as 15,000 of them to experiment with. Also know that every people in the world don’t need to take the vaccine shot only certain people need to, they Stated this back in 2020, but decided to say everyone should take it knowing people will get sick and die from it. Please do your research.

    2. One thing you can’t believe is everything the so called experts say, about almost anything concerning peoples health, since when do the medical industry want people to be totally healthy(?) That means they would not make much money off of your health misfortunes, know that they been experimenting with Covid since 1931, concerning germ-warfare, and up until 2020, they finally got the right variant introduce to all of humanity, trying to so called reduce the human population, and they are still trying new options with the same virus RNA, because there are as many as 15,000 of them to experiment with. Also know that every people in the world don’t need to take the vaccine shot only certain people need to, they Stated this back in 2020, but decided to say everyone should take it knowing people will get sick and die from it. Please do your research.

    3. You find it hard to believe because you are still asleep. There is SIGNIFICANT evidence from highly reputable sources. Better not hit snooze again, the alarm is sounding.

  2. I have a serious question no one will answer, why is it that my backside being double masked doesn’t work while expelling gas, but a single mask on a person’s face works every time to keep the molecular viruses out…?

  3. Please give me a break you guys are bought and paided for comparison covid with Republicans and Democrat.. We want our country back!

  4. Please, don’t make Covid a political issue. Not Everything is a political issue. Really! Be thankful for this Thanksgiving Day and remember our Forefathers who made this day possible. God bless America! 🦃 🇺🇸

  5. This is my 3rd time that I have incurred illness from covid. Covid is here to stay. Please, everyone In regards to staying virus free proceed with caution and listen to the experts.

    1. So why are the experts saying that people who got the vaccines are dying at alarming rates and people who didn’t get the vaccines are doing just fine????? Fact 68% in America 🇺🇸 did NOT get these killing vaccines!!!

    1. They say it’s safe but they also said the vaccines were safe so they should not be trusted. It’s to much on your immune system so why take the chance. They only care about the $.

  6. It seems to me that with the locations given being border crossings and surrounding states that the cause being illegal immigrants holds a lot more water than trying to imply it’s politically based.
    Makes a thinking person wonder what has really happened to the USofA when everyone starts believing every political lie they are told. Remember for a moment that our own Supremes Court (pun intended) ruled that because it is in the nature of a politician to lie they cannot be held accountable for any campaign lies they tell the people… What’s to stop them from taking it a step farther and lying about the other party?? THINK people…USE your brains…DO NOT believe everything you are told just because it is YOUR party telling it….

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