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6 OTC Meds That Might Be Risky for Those over 50

OTC meds that might be risky
Photo by Mr Doomits from

5. Ibuprofen and naproxen

Ibuprofen is the generic name for AdviI and Motrin, and naproxen is the generic name for Aleve. These are some of the most common OTC medications that people take when they feel any pain. Be it a headache or bone pain, these are the first options people choose. They are both easy to find and effective.

However, these OTC pain relievers might be problematic for older people. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory dr*gs (NSAIDs) can irritate the stomach so much that they can cause bleeding and ulcers.

This is why those who use blood thinners, as well as those who have uncontrolled diabetes and hypertension, should stay far away from using NSAIDs. Also, even if you don’t have any problems, long-term use of NSAIDs can affect your kidneys. So, these are some of the OTC meds that might be risky, and you should always check with your doctor to see if you can take them or not.

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