6 OTC Meds That Might Be Risky for Those over 50

OTC meds that might be risky
Photo by fizkes from Shutterstock

Why are those over 50 more susceptible?

First of all, those who take five or more prescription meds per day are those who are over 50. According to a study led by the Lown Institute, since you take more pills, there is also a higher chance of experiencing adverse effects. Also, the more meds you take, the higher the chances of getting those dr*g-dr*g interactions.

Another reason is all about the changes your body goes through once you get older. The whole process that your body uses to get rid of the meds slows down, and because your body gains fat and loses muscles, you will hold on to medication in a different way than you used to.

Another specific factor is the function of your organs. As you age, your kidneys are not that efficient at getting rid of waste products from medications, and the liver also breaks down chemicals much slower.

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