Doctors Agree: These 5 Types of People SHOULDN’T Get the Flu Shot… Here’s Why!

SHOULDN’T Get The Flu Shot
Photo by PhotobyTawat at Shutterstock

A specific GROUP of individuals shouldn’t get the flu shot

The CDC advises certain groups of people to speak with their doctor before administering the nasal spray vaccine.

As we’ve mentioned, the list of people who shouldn’t get the flu shot includes individuals at high risk of developing flu complications, children over 5 years old with asthma, those with severe acute illness, and people with GBS six weeks after a prior dose of flu vaccine.

The nasal spray-mist flu vaccine is an option for those ages 2 to 49 years old, as long as they’re healthy. It contains live virus and isn’t recommended for certain people, including:

-Adults 50 and older
-Children younger than 2
-Pregnant women
-Those who care for extremely immune-compromised patients.
-Individuals who have a history of severe allergic reactions to any vaccine ingredients or a previous flu vaccine.
-People who have taken antiviral medicine for the flu within the past 48 hours.
-People with weakened immune systems, including those with cancer.
-Children 2 to 4 years old with a history of wheezing in the past year or asthma.

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3 Responses

  1. I have gotten a flu shot every fall for many many years. I had the shot this past Monday. I had never had a reaction until this time. Hours later I started shaking so bad I woke up and I couldn’t stop. It wore off and my arm got hot, really hot, from the shot part of the way down my arm. This was a strange reaction.

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