5 Quick Tips for a Flat Stomach After 50

Do you want a flat stomach? Read on and find out how to get it!

Weight loss is a far more complicated complex than we imagine, and reducing extra fat just in some areas is impossible. Aging brings many changes to our body, and one of the most popular dreams is getting a flat stomach. Unfortunately, there is no magic trick that will help you get it, but there are a couple of practices that can help you lose some weight, and as a result, you will also have a flat stomach again.

The main strategy combines diet and exercise. Maintaining balance is key, and you can try to see if this also works for you. The following methods are tested, and researchers believe they can change how we view weight loss.

Besides getting the flat stomach you want, losing weight also helps you to be more healthy overall. But these methods are not just about weight loss because sometimes you don’t have a flat stomach because you are very bloated. The following tips also cover that, so you can be sure you’ve tried everything and tackled every possible cause.

Ready to find out more?

flat stomach
Image by olepeshkina from Shutterstock

Eat more fiber

If you are planning to get a flat stomach after 50, you need to know that this is totally possible. All you need is the right diet, and a staple of a healthy diet is a high fiber intake.

Fiber is a crucial element in digestion and is also your secret weapon when it comes to a flat abdomen. Soluble fiber is the most important one, and it is so good because once you eat it, you will feel full longer, which can prevent overeating and reduce cravings.

Also, according to research, introducing more fiber into your diet reduces visceral fat. This is the most dangerous type of fat because it is the deeper belly fat associated with higher health risks.

Start slow and try to swap all refined grains with whole grains such as oats, barley, and quinoa. These grains are incredibly rich in soluble fiber, and besides acting like a sponge inside your intestines and keeping your hunger at bay for longer, they will also help your blood sugar levels stay stable.

Eating more fruits and veggies is also advised because they have a lot of fiber. This is mostly true if you also eat their skin. Apples, pears, berries, and carrots are easy, fiber-rich options to add to your meals or enjoy as snacks.

The trick is to increase the levels of fiber gradually so your body can adjust. Take it slow, and you’ll see the rest you want. That flat stomach is not impossible to get.

Do standing exercises

When you want to exercise in order to get a flat stomach, you need to optimize everything you do. Just exercising is not enough. You should try the most efficient way to do so.

This is why the best workout routine for a flat stomach includes more standing exercises compared to the ones you can do while lying down. Why? When you are standing, you are working more muscles and putting more pressure on them because your core needs to maintain balance and stability. As a result, you’ll burn more calories and also strengthen your midsection.

The main exercises you can try are standing shoulder presses, squats, lunges, or bicep curls. All of them are amazing at making your core stronger and also help when you want a flat stomach and reduce back pain.

Eat more probiotics

If you want your digestive health to reach the golden standards, then adding more probiotics into your diet is something you should definitely try.

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria your gut needs for a well-balanced microbiome. If you remember, we told you that fat is not the only thing that makes your stomach less flat. So is bloating, and probiotics help with that. A better gut microbiome means less bloating. Also, it can help with weight loss too.

Research has shown that specific probiotic strains, like Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus amylovorus, and Lactobacillus gasseri, may help reduce belly fat in people who are already dealing with obesity by positively affecting gut flora balance.

The health of your gut microbiome regulates your digestion and metabolism, and any imbalance can lead to weight gain and a greater risk of obesity. So, adding probiotics to your daily routine means your chances of getting a flat stomach are getting higher.

You can take probiotic supplements, and you can also get them by eating specific foods such as kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and pickles. Including these foods in your diet is simple and delicious.

Try slightly reducing the calories

Do you want to achieve that flat stomach by 50? There is no secret that if you want to get slimmer, you need to reduce the calories that you are consuming. But what you need to know is that all of this process should be balanced.

Going on a strict diet with a great reduction of your calories can do more harm than good because it can slow down your metabolism. Severe calorie restriction will make your body enter “starvation mode,” and this is why your metabolic rate slows down.

You don’t want your body to do this because you’ll lose weight so much slower and also because you’ll always feel fatigued and weak.

Also, a severe calorie deficit might result in a reduction of lean body mass, especially muscle. Muscle tissue is metabolically active, which means it helps the body burn calories. Losing muscle mass decreases your resting calorie burn, making it more difficult to lose weight and simpler to gain it back.

flat stomach
Image by MKPhoto12 from Shutterstock

Limit alcohol

Cutting back on alcohol is a big one because it is shockingly high in calories: 7 calories per gram! One ounce of beer has the same number of calories as a sugary soda, and a glass of wine has twice the quantity.

These are all empty calories, which means they have zero nutritional value. They will never make you feel nourished, but they will make your body put on weight fast.

But besides the calorie intake, alcohol also impacts your metabolism. When drinking alcohol, the main priority of your body will be to take care of it and metabolize it because your body wants to get rid of it. This means that temporarily your body will no longer burn fat because it’s trying to clear the alcohol from your system.

Even more, alcohol disrupts your sleep, and this can have a negative effect on your hormones. Poor sleep can cause urges for high-calorie meals, while hormonal disorders can disrupt your satiety and hunger signals, making it difficult to manage your appetite the next day after you consume alcohol.

If you are not a fan of oatmeal, you can still get plenty of fiber by taking fiber supplements. They are easy to take and really accessible. Make sure you talk to your doctor before taking them. Caplets – The Small Pill with More Fiber – Fiber Support for Regularity – 150ct

Do you feel like you are trying to get fit but nothing seems to work? Did you manage to lose two ponds only to put back four more? This is not that uncommon, and there are some medical reasons behind it. Read more here: Sudden Weight Gain? 5 Reasons Why This Is Happening

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