Category: Overall Well-Being

Overall Well-Being

10 Bacteria-Rich Things You Touch Every Day

Warning: In case you’re a mild germaphobe, this article will really gross you out. You probably know that most of the things you touch are absolutely filled with bacteria. And in this case, we’re not talking about obvious-seeming offenders such as toilet seats, or bathroom floors. Believe it or not, these examples are oftentimes CLEANER than the culprits we’re about

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Overall Well-Being

Can You Burn Calories if You Sweat? Here’s What Experts Say

There are a lot of people who hate it when they sweat. It makes them feel uncomfortable and they might feel the urge to take a shower immediately. Of course, we are not talking about the sweat you have after a hard training session, but about the sweat that happens naturally on a daily basis. That’s the type of swear

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