Category: Healthy Choices

Healthy Choices

11 Easy Ways to Sneak a Workout Into Your Day

How many times a week do you do some sort of workout? According to several studies, you should aim for a workout at least three to four times a week, in order to have a healthy body and mind. However, given the fact that our lives get busier and busier each day, we might find it hard to hit the

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Healthy Choices

10 Things That Happen If You Go Vegan For One Month

Things that might happen when you go vegan for a month! If you ever thought about trying to become vegan, you’re not the only one! Every other month, there are lots of people who are testing out the meat and dairy-free diet for various ethical and environmental reasons. Others try this for their health. According to Shilpa Ravella, MD, gastroenterologist

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Healthy Choices

13 Foods That Are Good For Your Heart

Have you ever wondered which foods are great for your heart’s health? After a certain age, you might develop heart disease and unfortunately, this will require special attention, proper treatment, and a healthier diet that includes a lot of healthy foods. When you say diet, you automatically think about a restrictive lifestyle. But in this case, the answer is no.

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Healthy Choices

Are You Getting Enough Vitamin B6? Here Are 5 Important Benefits

Have you ever wondered if you are getting enough vitamin B6? Vitamin B6 has innumerable benefits. Also known as pyridoxine, it’s a vitamin that your body requires for several functions. It’s important to protein, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism and creates red blood cells and neurotransmitters. Your body can’t produce vitamin B6 on its own, so we must get it from

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Kitchen Mistake
Healthy Choices

16 Common Kitchen Mistakes You’ve Been Making

Which Kitchen Mistakes Are You Making? Every budding cook begins in their kitchen at home, discovering the ways of this skill and earning the notable title of “being able to cook.” And because of the pandemic in recent years, it seems like more and more people are honing their skills in the kitchen. But even if you’ve just started cooking

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Healthy Choices

7 Sources of Caffeine Other Than Coffee

What’s YOUR Main Source Of Caffeine? Sleep deprivation is becoming a habit among many Americans. And experts say that more people are using coffee as an energy crutch than ever before. But it’s not all bad news. In fact, 250mg of caffeine per day, that’s two to three cups of coffee, wakes up the brain and improves concentration. However, if

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disease-fighting food
Healthy Choices

10 Miraculous Disease-Fighting Foods You’re Missing Out On

Disease-Fighting Foods The way you eat is one of the most crucial parts of living a nutritious lifestyle. Cardiovascular disease is actually considered the number one killer in the United States, along with stroke, respiratory infections, diabetes, obesity, and many other chronic diseases that are rampant in our country. Fortunately, most of them can be kept under control and are

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Healthy Choices

8 Vitamins You Should Take On a Daily Basis

Supplements are often used to fulfill the recommended daily allowance of vitamins and minerals our bodies need in order to function properly. Ideally, we should be getting these vitamins and minerals only from eating a well-balanced diet. But, in some cases, a supplement might enhance the needed amount. Vitamins have an essential role in our bodies, as dietitian Kate Patton

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fast food
Healthy Choices

America’s 9 Healthiest Fast Food Joints

Fast Food In the US, the term “fast food” comes with a particular set of associations that usually involve the smell of French fries and grayish burger patties. But it’s time we put those images aside because a new age of fast food has dawned. After many years of growth, the fast food system is finally growing smaller, in a

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