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6 Signs a Blood Clot Is Hiding in Your Body Now

Do you have any of these symptoms? Call your doctor immediately!

Every year, around 900.000 Americans are affected by blood clots. Have you ever wondered what it feels like? Knowing the signs and symptoms of a blood clot can save your life.

Blood clots are normal, and all of us have them. For example, we need them to stop bleeding after an injury. The problem is that sometimes blood clots happen suddenly when they are not needed. When they form near your muscles, in your deep veins,  they are called thrombosis, or DVT, and can put your life in danger. Your blood flow keeps your system up and running, so when a clot forms, it causes traffic jams in your circulation.

The situation can get even worse because if a DVT breaks, it can travel through your body, arrive at your lungs, and prevent them from getting the blood and oxygen they need to function.

Blood clot, signs
Image by cones from Shutterstock

Why is it important to recognize the symptoms of a blood clot?

The signs can often be minimal and ignored, so this article aims to inform you about the most common signs. Below, you can find 6 ways your body may tell you something is wrong. If you experience one of these 6 signs contact your doctor as soon as possible.

1 ) Pain in legs and arms

Even if most of the time DVT comes with redness and swelling, sometimes a blood clot can stand alone. It can easily be mistaken for a cramp.

If your arms or legs hurt you when you are doing daily activities, take a look at your skin color. If you experience any changes in the way your skin looks, contact your doctor to make sure to understand what are the causes.

Symptoms of a blood clot in the leg:

  • pain in the leg
  • swelling of the leg
  • warmth
  • redness

Blood clots in the arms are less common, but here are the symptoms they can produce:

  • tenderness
  • swelling
  • redness
  • ropey feeling over the veins

2 ) Chest pain

Blood clot
Image by Brian A Jackson from Shutterstock

A pulmonary embolism (PE)  can be easily confused with a heart attack because both affections have similar symptoms. Heart attack pain radiates over your shoulders and neck, while pulmonary embolism pain can be sharp and get worse with every breath you take. Either way, make sure you call 911 because you need help.

3 ) A racing heart

The heart rate goes high when the oxygen is really low. Having trouble breathing while your heart is racing may be a sign of PE. A larger clot may result in poorer blood oxygen levels and significant changes in blood flow, leading to a compensatory rise in pulse rate.

4 ) Shortness of breath

If you are an asthmatic person, it may be difficult for you to understand if you are dealing with a blood clot or an asthma attack while you are trying to breathe normally. It can be really frustrating to always think about what is worse when trying to prevent yourself from getting ill. When a blood clot arrives in your lungs, you may feel winded. Get help if it comes unexpectedly.

5 ) Cough

If you can’t stop coughing, have shortness of breath, a high heart rate, or chest pain, there is a high possibility you may have to deal with a PE. Go straight to the ER or call 911 if you are experiencing all these signs all of a sudden.

6 ) Fainting

Blood clot
Image by Elnur from Shutterstock

Our brains are really sensitive when it comes to changes in blood flow and oxygen, which is why we may feel lightheaded. Fainting indicates a serious problem in your body that shouldn’t be ignored. Make sure you visit your doctor for a check-up as fast as you can.

To conclude, the symptoms of a blood clot in your chest area may be:

  • severe pain in the arms
  • sweating
  • trouble breathing
  • loss of consciousness

Are there any risk factors?

Of course! Even though many of us can suddenly get a blood clot, some people are more exposed to this kind of issue. Below, you can find a list of health conditions and factors that may indicate you have a higher risk of getting a blood clot:

  • cancer
  • cancer treatments
  • atherosclerosis
  • genetic disorders
  • diabetes
  • COVID-19
  • family history of blood clots
  • obesity
  • pregnancy
  • smoking

Do you think you have a blood clot? Here’s what you should immediately do:

Firstly, you should speak to your doctor about what you feel. Letting your doctor know about your symptoms and what you are going through is the first step in the process of healing.

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), blood-thinning drugs are the most important part of the treatment given for blood clots. Injections or tablets of anticoagulants are a MUST for dissolving a clot. In severe cases, the patient may need surgery.

It is important to take into consideration that if you have a blood clot, you must follow a treatment plan for a few months. The treatment doesn’t stop when the clot disappears. Also, after having an issue like this, you must visit your doctor regularly to get checked. Once you have a blood clot, it is very possible to experience a new one in a different place in your body. All you need to do is try to have a healthy and responsible lifestyle.

Can we lower the risk of developing a blood clot?

Yes! There are some things you can do to avoid blood clots, even though, in some cases, they can happen all of a sudden. According to Medline Plus, here is what you can do to prevent a blood clot from forming:

  • Exercising. It is essential to exercise regularly and to have an active lifestyle.
  • Move around as often as you can. Even if you have a long flight ahead, try to move every few hours.
  • Avoid smoking of any kind.
  • Maintain a normal weight.

In the past few years, many people have faced uncontrolled weight gain. Since COVID-19, a lot of employees have adapted to a work-from-home lifestyle where physical activity basically doesn’t exist. Another problem people are facing is the habit of eating unhealthy food. Fast food is still a top choice when it comes to dinner for most Americans.

It is obvious that if we want to improve our health, we must stop searching for excuses. We have a great recommendation for you.

On Amazon, you can find the perfect walking or running treadmill for home use. It is a bestseller and comes in different forms, so you can choose the one that suits you and your lifestyle best. Right in front, it has a screen, and, by using Bluetooth, you can pair your laptop or phone with the treadmill and watch a movie while walking and hitting your daily steps target. As you probably already know, 10.000 steps a day is a great way to keep the doctor away! Or were those apples?

Leave us some suggestions in the comment section if you have any ideas about how we can creatively incorporate physical activity into our lifestyle. Also, let us know if you have ever dealt with blood clots, and tell us about your symptoms and overall experience.

Another related article on our website is about cheap foods that are good for your health, according to nutritionists. Have you ever heard about any of them?

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