Flu Prevention 101: Sure Fire Ways to Avoid Sickness

Have you heard about these flu prevention tips before?

When it comes to flu prevention tips, a lot of people disregard them, holding on to the belief that they are not going to be affected by this virus. However, you can never know when you can pick up the flu virus (or any other virus for that matter), as there are people who do not show symptoms but carry around the virus.

Flu prevention is all about being conscious of the fact that you can contract the virus at any point, even when you are doing your best not to.

Considering how aggressive these viruses have become, for a lot of us, being bedridden with the flu for a week is not going to be fun. And this includes suffering through the side effects that are likely to manifest as well.

The worst is that some people end up having serious complications, which can result in hospitalization or even loss of life, and those who do not reach that state end up telling tales of months-long recovery.

The best way to deal with such diseases is to try to reduce the chances of ever getting them, much like we did back at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Flu prevention is similar to it, but the best way to know if you are taking most of the precautions needed to beat the flu virus is to stay informed. Keep on reading to discover if you know all the steps toward effective flu prevention!

Have you had the flu this year? Do you know someone who has dealt with this seasonal disease? Are you trying to be cautious and do all you can for flu prevention? Let us know in the comments if you have any answers or thoughts you want to share!

flu prevention
Image By Albina Gavrilovic From Shutterstock

Keep your mouth, eyes, and nose covered!

You may have gotten sick of hearing this, but wearing a mask is the way to go at the height of the flu season. Flu prevention is all about limiting the interaction with germs, and when it comes to being surrounded by sick people, it is best to keep your mouth and nose covered at least!

This means that wearing a mask is the best way to go when you know you will be surrounded by a lot of people, as you cannot know if they are sick or not. Avoiding crowds is the best way to go when it comes to flu prevention, but if you know you will have to be in crowded areas, you should strive to keep your mouth and nose covered, at least with a scarf if not with a mask.

It may sound like too much of a hassle at times, but when you end up being the only one who does not get sick after a concert or huge gathering, you will be the one who ends up being luckier in the long run!

Get the flu shot!

Flu prevention starts with the flu shot! And before you end up telling us that the shot is not 100% effective, we know that. Yet, getting the shot is the easiest and best way to prevent the flu in people over the age of 6 months and is extremely important for the percentage of the population that is deemed to be at risk (which includes children and the elderly).

There are a lot of ways in which you can get your flu vaccine, as it is easier to schedule than it was a few years ago. You can do so at your doctor’s office, at health centers, pharmacies, and even in grocery store clinics and numerous drugstores.

Certain people may also need to get a special type of flu vaccine, which includes the high-dose one for people over the age of 65, who are more susceptible to complications from flu, and a nasal one that is given to certain people over the age of 2 and until the age of 50, excluding pregnant people.

Just keep in mind that while a nasal vaccine may be useful when dealing with kids, there are a lot of situations when you should not opt for this method, especially if you have allergies, use antivirals, have asthma, or have even cochlear implants.

Before getting the flu shot, consult with your doctor if you have ever had any allergic reactions to it or if you know you are severely allergic to mercury or eggs. The vast majority of the population is not at risk of being allergic to it. And while the best time to get the shot is between September and October, if you can get it at a later date when the flu is still lurking around, you should still get it.

flu prevention
Image By Maridav From Shutterstock

Wash your hands!

Yes, the seemingly never-ending saga of making sure you wash your hands properly! While it should not come as a surprise that this is among flu prevention tips, you would be surprised at how many people do not think about it.

The flu is a contagious virus that is going to affect you, like most contagious diseases, including COVID-19, and the best way to make sure you kill any chances of spreading the virus from your hands is to make sure you wash them after they have come into contact with any surroundings, the environment, and even germs.

It may sound like a broken record, but if you pick up the flu virus on your hands and then bring them close to your eyes, mouth, nose, or ears (which are known to be passageways into the body), That way, the germs get an easy way towards your body, and they can easily infect you.

The best way to make sure you are getting rid of these germs is to wash your hands after you think you have come into contact with surfaces you do not trust, after you have been in public spaces with a lot of people, at large gatherings, and generally every time you have returned home from being outside.

While hand washing is the best way to get rid of germs and be thorough in your flu prevention, sometimes you cannot do it or you do not have access to water and soap. That’s when doctors recommend you use a hand sanitizer that has an alcoholic base. This one here is our favorite, as it has been faithful all through the pandemic, and we still carry it around!

flu prevention
Image By faithie From Shutterstock

Disinfect surfaces that came in contact with the virus!

A lot of flu prevention has to do with being one step ahead of the virus, and this means making sure the germs are not going to infest your home slowly. While you can easily forget about this step, it is crucial to make sure that you are not bringing in germs from outside and letting them fester.

This means that you have to make sure that you clean and disinfect any surfaces that may harbor these germs.

A lot of the areas you have to concentrate on include a lot of the high-touch ones, which include the bathroom and kitchen, as these are the most used places where your hands come into contact with other parts of your body where germs could easily get transferred to the body.

You may not even know you brought in the germs on your grocery bag, and now the snack you just made is full of germs from that surface.

Surfaces that you need to sanitize include any counters you have placed outside things on, door handles, faucets, and floors.

If you have small children in your family, a great rule of thumb is to disinfect anything they touch, including their toys. Better safe than sorry!

These are just some of the ways in which you can work on your flu prevention skills. However, there are a lot of myths about the flu out there that could put you in as much danger as staying in close proximity to a sick person! Make sure you read all of the dispelled myths in this article here!

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