7 Clever Ways to Add More Vitamin C to Your Diet

The Lasting Health presents: sneaky ways to add more vitamin C to your diet

If you’ve watched the news lately, then you know that this is the season of colds. The flu didn’t waste time, and she’s here, waiting to make thousands of victims. You already know what the symptoms are, but let me tell you that there’s something different about them, and if your immune system is weak, you can suffer from the flu for more than a week.

I recently got infected with the flu, but since I take a lot of vitamins daily, I was sick for only two days. I had a fever, a major headache, I was dizzy, I couldn’t eat or drink water, the light on my smartphone was making me feel sick, I was nauseous, and I had the worst muscular pain.

While it was manageable, it didn’t feel good. I previously told you that vitamins helped me kick this flu out of my system in two days, and in today’s article, I’m going to tell you everything you need to know on how to add more vitamin C to your diet.

Nutritionists say that besides helping your immune system be strong, vitamin C is amazing because it helps your body absorb iron easier, it gives you amazing antioxidants, which are fantastic for your skin and antiaging, it boosts collagen production, and it produces serotonin and dopamine, which will improve your mood and keep depression at bay.

So, are you ready to improve your life and keep the flu away from you? Then here are some easy ways you can add more vitamin C to your diet.

add more vitamin C to your diet
Photo by Evan Lorne from shutterstock.com

1. Make a rose hip syrup

Did you know that rose hips contain more vitamin C than oranges? I love to collect and dry rose hips in the late fall and early winter because I can easily make a delicious and healthy syrup that will keep all viruses away from my family and me.

100 grams of rose hips contain no less than 2000 milligrams of vitamin C, which is 50% more than delicious oranges.

If you don’t want to make syrup, an easy way to add more vitamin C to  your diet is by grabbing a small jar and adding equal parts of rose hips and honey.

Mix everything well, and take a teaspoon each morning. This is a simple way to add more vitamin C to your diet and is going to save you from colds.

2. Eat those peppers

Did you know that you can easily add more vitamin C to your diet by eating more peppers? You probably think of citrus when it comes to vitamins and minerals, but don’t neglect veggies, especially peppers.

Experts discovered that peppers have almost twice as much vitamin C as oranges, and that’s amazing, especially if you love to eat lots of salads.

You can get amazing health benefits by consuming this veggie raw or cooked, so start experimenting in the kitchen because your immune system will thank you.

You can make pepper dip, stuffed or grilled peppers, or fajitas, or you can eat them raw, in a delicious salad with chicken, tuna, or salmon, or with a cheese dip and hummus.

add more vitamin C to your diet
Photo by PV productions from shutterstock.com

3. Add lemon

If you want to add more vitamin C to your diet, you already know that lemon is one of the best things you could incorporate into your meals. While you might not be able to eat a lemon on its own, like you’d do with an apple, there are ways you could enjoy its amazing benefits.

You can drink warm lemon water in the morning to help you kickstart your metabolism, flush out any toxins, and protect yourself from viruses, but make sure to drink with a straw so you don’t damage your teeth.

If you love eating salads (add those peppers in), it’s a great way to add more vitamin C to your diet. Combine your favorite veggies with a source of lean protein, some greens, and olive oil, and squeeze half of a lemon for extra vitamins.

Your body will be nourished with amazing nutrients, fiber, protein, carbs, and lots of vitamins and minerals that will fight viruses and help you glow from the inside out.

Do you have any secrets on how to add more vitamin C to your diet?

4. Get those fruits in

I don’t know about you, but I believe fruits are one of the greatest things nature’s ever made. You can make desserts, smoothies, oatmeal, salads, and so many other amazing things with them, and the best part is that they’re healthy and can satisfy your sweet tooth.

If you want to improve your fiber intake, reduce the risk of diabetes and obesity, and add more vitamin C to your diet, fruits should be your top choice.

Mango, pineapple, berries, kiwi, and grapes are rich in vitamin C; they’re amazing for keeping viruses at bay, and they’ll also help you achieve or maintain a lean physique.

5. Eat your sweet potatoes

Many people know that sweet potatoes are one of the greatest superfoods because they’re rich in complex carbs, potassium, and fiber, but what many of them don’t know is that they’re packed with vitamin C. So if you’re looking for a delicious, savory, and healthy way to add more vitamin C to your diet, sweet potatoes are your go-to.

According to nutritionists, 100 mg of this incredible food contains 2.4 mg of vitamin C, which is great news for those who want to keep the flu away as well as for those who want to fuel their bodies with antioxidants that fight cancer-causing free radicals.

By eating purple and orange sweet potatoes, you’ll also improve your body’s collagen production process, which will give you healthy, glowy, plump skin, strong nails, and shiny, long hair.

Eat them baked, boiled, steamed, or mashed; pair them with salmon, tuna, chicken, steak, and some tasty leafy greens, and you’ll have the best dish ever.

Keep reading to discover other amazing ways to add more vitamin C to your diet!

add more vitamin C to your diet
Photo by Olga Larionova from shutterstock.com

6. Get those green veggies in

We’ve previously talked about peppers and how amazing this food is for your body, but if you want to quickly add more vitamin C to your diet, it’s time to get those green veggies in.

Broccoli and Brussels sprouts are packed with vitamin C, calcium, vitamin K, and fiber, and they’ll also help you reach those health goals you might have.

These veggies are low in calories, so you can fuel up that plate guilt-free. Pair them with chicken, fatty fish, or a vegetable source of protein, and get ready to get all those amazing health benefits, because there are many.

Brussels sprouts and broccoli will help your body fight against many types of cancer, including stomach, breast, lungs, kidney, prostate, and bladder, and also help you lower the symptoms of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol.

7. Iron and orange juice

We all know that good old orange juice is an amazing way to add more vitamin C to your diet, considering that one cup of OJ (240 ml) contains 137% of the recommended dietary intake.

However, experts discovered that an easy way to make vitamin C absorb faster is to take it with iron. You’ve probably seen on TV or in commercials that people generally drink OJ while eating cereal for breakfast, and that’s because cereal is rich in iron.

You can take some high-quality iron supplements (like these) in the morning and pair them with a source of vitamin C, such as orange juice or lemon water, and notice your immune system receiving a boost.

Do you know any other ways to add more vitamin C to your diet? Let us know in the comments! If you find this article helpful and you’d like to read something else from us, here’s another great post for you to check out: Never Wear These Clothing Items When Sleeping, Experts Warn 

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