8 Alarming Ways Your Health Can Be Seen in Your Hair

Because oftentimes we have fluctuating moods, our hair does too. Not in the sense that it gets up and starts shouting at your or anything. But there are good hair days and horrible ones, and that’s just the cruel reality.

So if you have been noticing for a while now that your hair moods are abnormal or are becoming inconsistent, it might be time to check in a little bit.

Our mane can help us discover if there are any underlying conditions in our bodies, all you have to do is know how to read them. So, here is some expert advice on how to understand your hair:

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You’re shedding A LOT

If every time you take a shower you can’t help but notice the amount of hair you lose that goes down the drain, then you should start questioning it.

First things first, let’s not forget that it’s perfectly normal to lose a few strands every time you wash, such as 100 a day. Even so, excessive shedding could be indicating something more.

According to Paradi Mirmirani, MD, dermatologist and regional director of hair disorders at Kaiser Permanente in Vallejo, California, it might be related to nutritional deficiencies, but also to other underlying issues.

You might get tested for thyroid disease and anemia.

Your mane is dry

If you suffer from dry hair all year round, then you might have to add a few healthy fats to your diet. And when I say a few, I want to say a lot. At least that’s what Megan Faletra recommended, MS, MPH, RDN, a global health consultant and dietitian.

These healthy fats are extremely important to your diet, as they promote healthy skin and a healthy scalp, which will only enhance more life into your strands.

She recommended looking at it as if it were about our skin. We have to take care of both. So try including more healthy fats in your daily diet, such as avocado, olive oil, and salmon.

Your hairstyle looks boring

And this time we won’t blame it on missing a touch-up appointment with our colorist or the poor weather outside that is at war with our hairstyle! No, this time we are talking about the kind of mane that just looks bad at all times.

If you glance in the mirror and notice a lackluster style, you might have to take into consideration other reasons, too. Your locks might lack vibrancy because you need to add more healthy fats to your diet, in order for your hair to shine.

Try eating foods that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats, such as flaxseeds, chia seeds, nuts, and that good ole’ avocado and salmon.

It has become brittle

If you can’t help but notice that your mane is more brittle than it ever has been, you should start asking yourself if there’s more to it than just that. And why is it so important to notice your hair’s brittleness?

Even if everyone’s hair might need a bit of moisture at a certain point, a super brittle texture to our hair can only lead to one cause: a sign of iron or zinc deficiency, as Tania Dempsey explained, MD from Armonk Integrative Medicine.

Zinc and iron are absolutely crucial for keratin production, so having a deficiency can be read in different changes in the structure of your locks. How does YOUR hair look?

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Your scalp is very dry

If you can’t help yourself but scratch that itch in the middle of an important work meeting, all because you have a very dry scalp, then it’s no good.

Also, if you flake when you reach to give it a quick scratch, then you should ask yourself what the matter is with that because these are all signs that your body needs Omega-3s and Omega-6s, as Dr. Dempsey has clarified.

These essential fatty acids are very important for the health of the follicles, as they bring moisture. If you want to resolve this issue for good, eat more flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, fish, or consider taking fish oil supplements.

You noticed super-thin strands

Your locks are so thin, that you stopped noticing when it got even thinner. But you shouldn’t give up on it so quickly. As McMordie explains how all this might indicate that you need to add extra protein to your diet.

As she says, “hair cells are just like any other cell in the body, and they’re made up of amino acids, which are basically the broken-down versions of the protein.”

If you’re not getting enough, that’s why you might be losing all that hair. If you miss your full and bountiful mane, just think about adding more fish, eggs, poultry, and beef to your diet.

You are graying prematurely

If your parents didn’t start graying up until they were 40 years old, you can either start the aging process earlier or later. While genetics might have their say in this scheme, in some rare cases, McMordie explains that the loss of pigment at a young age might be an indication of copper deficiency.

Even if it’s a trace mineral that doesn’t need that much consumption, consider eating more mushrooms, sesame seeds, and seaweeds, in order to fight against this process.

You can also try using a few supplements that are specifically designed for this process. Try finding a combination that has copper, zinc, and vitamin D.

Split ends

If your mane has been splitting a lot at the ends, it might be time to assess what’s going on with your hair’s health. Even though getting a hair trim is one of the greatest ways of getting rid of split ends, there are quite a few other ways to manage this problem with your locks.

Velaterapia, also known as candle cutting, is the newest way of removing split ends. As interesting as it might sound, a professional hairstylist should be the only one to do this technique because any mishaps could lead to burn-related risks.

Deep conditioning can also help your hair return to feeling healthy and encountering less breakage. Also, the Prose pre-shampoo hair mask, shampoo, and conditioner have been tested and proven to lead to 71% less breakage.

Are you experiencing any of these issues? Let us know in the comment!

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You have dandruff

Yellow or white flakes in your mane, clothes, shoulders, and even your eyebrows are a clear sign of dandruff, which is a chronic scalp condition.

While dandruff doesn’t indicate any serious conditions, it’s very annoying and aesthetically unpleasing. It can be treated just by purchasing over-the-counter specialty hair shampoos, or even prescription shampoo. Dandruff might appear when you suffer from seborrheic dermatitis.

Those who suffer from this condition have red, greasy skin that’s covered with flaky white or yellow scales, and it might appear due to increased sensitivity, dry skin, or not having proper hygiene.

Plus, dandruff is known to get worse in winter, as indoor heating can dry up the skin faster.

If you enjoyed reading this article, we’ve got many more like it! Among them, we also recommend reading: 10 Serious Signs Your Kidneys Need Help

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