5 Things Oncologists NEVER Do to Avoid Cancer

How can you lower your risk for different types of cancer?

It’s impossible to eliminate the risk of getting cancer entirely, but adopting certain habits can improve your overall health and reduce the chances of developing these carcinogenic abnormal cells that grow uncontrollably.

Oncologists and scientists are still not sure exactly what causes the disease. It’s believed that there are multiple reasons why people are getting it. Cancer is by far one of the most dangerous health problems someone can deal with. Even though decades have passed since the first cases of cancer, the experts haven’t found an effective cure yet. Basically, there is no cure for cancer. Cancers can be managed with treatment but are not curable.

Treatments are done to slow down the growth of abnormal cells that grow uncontrollably, but in a lot of cases, these cells cannot be stopped or eliminated. That is when we are talking about stage 4 of cancer, which means that for those diagnosed with it, the chances of survival are very, very low.

One of the worst things about cancer is that experts cannot pinpoint a single cause for it. Usually, it’s a combination of factors that causes the tumors to form.

Oncologist, Cancer Treatment
Image by Pressmaster from Shutterstock

Can a cancer patient be completely healed?

When it comes to cancer, everything becomes possible, and even experts struggle to understand how to treat the sickness. Cancer patients suffer a lot, and the treatment and healing process takes a lot of time. Unfortunately, even after a patient is considered cancer-free by doctors, there is a period called remission, and in some cases, it can last for years.

Have you ever thought about what it is like to live with the fear of cancer coming back to you?

It’s an awful experience, and it’s sad to think about the significant number of patients who cannot be considered fully recovered since they are redeveloping cancer before being completely healed.

Why is it important to listen to oncologists?

Oncologists have dealt with a lot of types of cancer and also various individuals. They are the ones who have observed over the years how the sickness develops depending on age, lifestyle, and type of cancer. Also, they have a personal analysis of what they believe has caused the majority of illnesses.

Oncologists like any other doctor are heroes that keep us alive for longer, and we should respect them at all costs and listen to their advice when it comes to our health.

Keeping in mind that some factors can make you more likely to develop cancer, oncologist Waqqas Tai recently talked about what he does to avoid cancer and keep his own risk low. Since many of these risk factors are preventable, what are we waiting for? Our health is essential, and we should do everything we can to protect and maintain it for as long as possible.

Did you know that cancer is the second cause of death in the United States? Here are 5 things oncologists strictly avoid:

1. Smoke tobacco

In a video posted on TikTok Waqqas Tai tells his viewers to AVOID tobacco at all costs, since it’s considered one of the most likely causes of developing cancer. Smoking, in general, is a very dangerous and unhealthy habit that impacts our lives in the long term, seriously affecting our overall well-being.

American Cancer Society claims that at least 70 chemicals found in tobacco smoke are carcinogens.

“Plus, the combustion aspect of smoking has a lot of carcinogenic problems as well as it causes tar to build up in your lungs, which causes tissue damage to the lungs and that can also cause cancer,” Tai adds on his TikTok viral video.

Oncologist's Advice
Image by onapalmtree from Shutterstock

2. Drink alcohol

Another thing oncologists avoid is drinking alcohol.

Did you know that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend not drinking at all? It’s believed that even a glass of wine for dinner can be dangerous. Alcohol is carcinogenic, and consumption should be strictly avoided, according to oncologists.

But is that even possible? There are a lot of special occasions when we feel the need to celebrate by enjoying a glass of champagne. Everyone does it, so, if we are being real, it’s nearly impossible to completely avoid alcohol consumption.

What should we do? Well, balance is key. As long as we avoid regular consumption, we should be fine enough to survive.

Let’s be honest: a life without breaking some rules isn’t fun at all. Am I right? So, all we have to do is make sure that we break them rarely enough not to affect us in the long term.

3. Skip sunscreen

Any skin has to be covered if exposed to the sun, with no exceptions.

Pay attention! Applying sunscreen once a day isn’t enough! In order to be fully protected you need to reapply it every few hours to make sure you get UV protection throughout the day. Tai says on his TikTok: “You need to cover your face, neck, back of your neck, and hands, arms – anything that’s exposed to the sun.”

4. Eat meat

Did you know that meat can cause cancer? “All deli meats and red meats are carcinogenic,” Tai says.

The World Health Organization has classified processed meat as a Group 1 carcinogen. Here is why: When meat is cooked at high temperatures, such as grilling or frying, chemical reactions occur and produce Heterocyclic Amines and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Both have been found to cause changes in DNA that may increase the risk of cancer.

Oncologist's Advice
Image by Virtual Art Studio from Shutterstock

5. Ignore obesity

Tai says that if you are overweight, you have a higher risk of getting cancer. So, in order to lose weight and lower your risk you need to exercise daily and be generally active.

“Whether it’s bariatric surgery or some of the newer drugs out there, such as Ozempic or Mounjaro, you need to lose weight,” says Tai in the video that went viral on TikTok.

On Amazon, you can find a book written by Jonathan Stegall. It is called: “Cancer Secrets: An Integrative Oncologist Reveals How to Fight Cancer Using the Best of Modern Medicine and Natural Therapies.”

The book has great reviews and we recommend you read all of them. They will change your perspective and way of thinking in just a few minutes. Even though you aren’t a cancer patient you can purchase the book for someone in need. We promise you that this gift will do magic.

Keep in mind that no single measure can guarantee cancer prevention, but combining a healthy lifestyle with awareness of these risk factors can reduce the likelihood of developing cancer. Making the right choices and staying informed and proactive about your life can significantly improve your overall mood, leading you to a healthier way of living.

If you want to find out more about this topic, before leaving, we recommend you check out this article: Here Are 10 Carcinogens You Should Know About. It can be found on our website, The Lasting Health, and it aims to show you a detailed list of carcinogen foods you should know about and avoid.

What are you willing to give up for your health? Let us know in the comment section if you have any limits. Also, if you are ready to go all the way and do everything you need to stay as healthy as possible write us about who or what keeps your motivation high.

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