Healthy Skin: 8 Foods You Should Consume

Did you know that you can get healthy skin with the help of food?

Many people say that food is medicine for the human body, and it can help us ameliorate or even treat some health affections, depending on the severity.

As you already know, nutrition plays an important role when it comes to your health, and all doctors and food experts say that you should eat nutritious food in order to be healthy and happy.

Eating too many processed foods can damage your metabolism, make you gain weight, and can even affect some organs in your body, such as your liver and your heart. And that’s not all! Unhealthy, sugary, and fatty foods can also impact your biggest organ: the skin.

And who doesn’t want to have healthy, glowy, and dewy skin while also aging beautifully? We’ve talked to a few experts to discover more about the impact food has on your skin, and this is what they’ve told us.

Here are 8 foods you should consume if you want healthy skin!

Healthy Skin
Photo by barmalini at Shutterstock

1. Avocado

Avocado is a delicious fruit that is very rich in antioxidants, fiber, and healthy fats. They contain vitamins C and E, which are known for keeping your skin moisturized, supple, and hydrated. Besides that, these nutrients also help your skin fight damage produced by UV rays, such as wrinkles and dryness.

Several studies have discovered that women who included avocado in their diets noticed that their skin looked healthier, fuller, and more hydrated.

There are many ways you can consume this amazing superfood: in smoothies, salads, dressings, as a dip, on toast, as a pudding base, and so many other things.

2. Sunflower seeds

In general, nuts and seeds are a great source of nutrients that are very good for your brain and healthy skin. Sunflower seeds, for instance, are an excellent source of vitamin E, which is a necessary antioxidant for healthy skin.

One ounce of this food contains 5.5 grams of protein, and they are packed with vitamin E, zinc, and selenium.

Make sure you consume them raw in order to get all these benefits previously mentioned. If you don’t like the taste, you can sprinkle a tablespoon on your salad for a bit of crunch or combine them with your favorite nuts and dried fruit for a healthy and well-rounded snack. If you don’t know where to get sunflower seeds from, here’s what we recommend.

3. Fatty fish

Besides being very tasty and easy to cook, fatty fish, such as salmon, herring, mackerel, and tuna, are great foods for healthy skin. They contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, which are known for keeping your skin glowy and moisturized, and your brain properly functioning.

People who don’t get enough of these nutrients in their diets notice that their skin is more sensitive, dry, and prone to inflammation. Fatty fish contains a lot of protein, zinc, and vitamin E, which are known for being key ingredients when it comes to healthy skin.

A few studies have discovered that fish oil supplements are also great for fighting bacteria and autoimmune conditions that can interfere with your skin, such as lupus and psoriasis.

…Make sure you talk to your doctor before you take any supplements to find the ones that work best for your body’s needs! 

Healthy Skin
Photo by al1962 at Shutterstock

4. Broccoli

Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable that contains plenty of minerals and vitamins that play a big role when it comes to healthy skin, including vitamins A and C and zinc. Moreover, it’s very rich in lutein, a carotenoid that is similar to beta carotene and helps protect your skin from severe oxidative damage, which can make your skin wrinkled and dry.

You should aim to eat broccoli weekly because these florets are packed with a lot of special compounds, including sulforaphane, which might help your body prevent some types of skin cancer.

And that’s not all! This healthy chemical can also support healthy skin by acting as a protective agent against damage provoked by sun exposure.

It does the work in two ways: neutralizing dangerous free radicals and switching on other helpful and protective systems that are in your body.

A few laboratory studies have discovered that sulforaphane reduced the number of skin cells killed by UV light by 29%, and the protection lasted 48 hours.

5. Green tea

Green tea is a delicious drink that contains caffeine, but it doesn’t give you all the jittery feelings and anxiety too much caffeine can give to your body. You can sip this drink when you feel like you need a quick boost of energy, and you’ll actually get more than just that!

Green tea is rich in antioxidants that promote healthy skin, protecting it from UV rays damage and keeping it thick and moisturized.

…Make sure to drink green tea plain, without any added milk and sugar, if you want to have healthy skin! 

6. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C and all of the most important carotenoids, including lycopene. All of these chemicals promote healthy skin and help protect your skin from damaged caused by too much sun exposure.

In order to maintain hydrated and healthy skin, make sure to pair tomatoes with foods that are rich in fat, such as olive oil, cheese, walnuts, and sunflower seeds, because fat helps carotenoids absorb faster.

7. Dark chocolate

If you need a healthy excuse to indulge in a piece of delicious and creamy chocolate, here it is: the effects cocoa has on your skin are pretty remarkable.

After 6 to 12 weeks of consuming a cocoa powder that was very high in antioxidants every single day, people who participated in this study noticed that their skin was looking thicker, more hydrated, less scaly and rough, and less sensitive to sunburn.

In addition to all these amazing benefits, they also saw that they had better blood flow, which means that their skin was able to absorb more nutrients.

Make sure to choose dark chocolate that is very rich in cocoa, at least 70%, and that doesn’t have too much sugar!

8. Yellow and red bell peppers

Bell peppers are rich in excellent antioxidants for healthy skin, such as vitamin C and beta carotene. Your body needs vitamin C in order to produce collagen, the structural protein that keeps your skin hydrated and your nails, bones, and hair strong, shiny, and well-nourished.

Just like carrots and sweet potatoes, both yellow and red bell peppers contain a lot of beta carotene, a chemical your body turns into vitamin A.

Consuming this vegetable on a regular basis will promote healthy skin and good vision, and it will help your body fight free radicals and also the damage caused by UV rays.

You can combine bell peppers with tomatoes, avocado, and fatty fish, and you’ve got yourself a delicious lunch or dinner recipe that will nourish your body and keep your skin healthy and glowy!

Healthy Skin
Photo by Ground Picture at Shutterstock


These foods don’t guarantee that your skin will look flawless, but they will help improve the appearance of wrinkles, texture, hydration, and elasticity.

Diet and lifestyle play a huge role when it comes to healthy skin, so make sure to stick to clean and simple foods, and don’t forget to drink plenty of water!

…If you liked reading this article and you want to learn more tips on how to live a healthy and balanced lifestyle, make sure to check this article out as well: 9 Things Every Senior Should Know About Moles

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