4 MAJOR Medicare Changes in 2025

Are YOU Ready for These 4 Major Changes?

The healthcare landscape in the United States will undergo significant changes in 2025, especially with Donald Trump’s return to office. These changes will impact millions of Americans, particularly those relying on Medicare.

The world as we know it is in constant flux, with daily transformations reshaping our lives in ways we could have never imagined.  The political landscape is no exception and as 2025 approaches, many changes are expected, particularly in healthcare. Medicare, the crucial program that provides health coverage to millions of American seniors will face major changes under Trump’s administration. People are anxiously waiting to see how  Trump’s policies will impact their lives, especially when it comes to something as vital as healthcare.

Let’s see which are the top x major Medicare changes on the horizon of 2025. Even though you are not a current Medicare recipient, understanding these changes is crucial for understanding the healthcare situation in our country.

Are you ready to have a glimpse of what 2025 will look like? With the right information, we can stay ahead of the curve and ensure that our healthcare needs are met in this rapidly changing environment.

Medicare Changes
Image by Vitalii Vodolazskyi from Shutterstock

What Project 2025’s Potential Medicare Changes Mean for You

The best part is that Trump made clear that he will not cut a penny from Social Security or Medicare. Donald Trump said he would protect Medicare and ensure seniors would be not burdened by excessive costs.

Medicare is a cornerstone of the federal government’s health insurance program for seniors, and it plays a crucial role in the lives of millions of Americans. Big changes might be on the way with President-elect Donald Trump’s return. Project 2025, a detailed plan from The Heritage Foundation, suggests ways to cut Medicare costs, which are about $850 billion a year. This plan aims to boost competition, privatize some aspects, and increase transparency.

Project 2025 outlines a broad range of reforms for the federal government, including significant changes to Medicare. The plan, which spans nearly 900 pages, was written by Roger Severino, who previously served as the director of the Office for Civil Rights at the Department of Health and Human Services under Trump.

Continue reading to see which would be the key changes and how this project could influence the lives of millions of Americans. 

Medicare Changes
Image by bella1105 from Shutterstock

4 Key Changes Proposed in Project 2025

1. Medicare advantage as the default option

One of the most significant changes proposed in Project 2025 is making Medicare Advantage the default option for enrolled. Medicare Advantage plans are offered by private insurance companies and provide an alternative to traditional Medicare. These plans often include additional benefits such as vision, dental, and prescription drug coverage. By making Medicare Advantage the default option, the project aims to increase competition among private insurers, which could lead to better services and lower costs for beneficiaries.

2. Changes to provider payment methods

Currently, Medicare reimburses providers based on the services they provide, which can lead to higher costs and unnecessary treatments. The new plan aims to shift towards a value-based payment system, where providers are reimbursed based on the quality of care they deliver rather than the quantity of services. This change is expected to promote more efficient and effective healthcare delivery.

3. Ending the Government’s drug price negotiation program

Another major proposal in Project 2025 is to end the government’s drug price negotiation program. This program allows Medicare to negotiate prices for prescription drugs, which helps to keep costs down for beneficiaries.

The Project calls for repealing the Inflation Reduction Act and the Medicare Shared Savings Program. The IRA made some changes to Medicare, including:

  • Capping the cost of insulin at $35 a month
  • Capping out out-of-pocket prescription drug costs at $2,000 a year
  • Allowing Medicare to negotiate with drug manufacturers over medicine prices

It’s not clear yet how much support Severino’s ideas will get on drug price negotiations, with the new administration. However, it’s important to know that the majority of Americans support allowing the government to negotiate the price of drugs for people on Medicare.

Trump’s nominee to lead the Department of Health and Human Services is Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and he has written that “legislations should cap drug prices so that companies can’t charge Americans substantially more than Europeans pay.”

The Inflation Reduction Act also eliminated the Medicare Part D “donut hole” or coverage gap, instituting a $2,000 annual cap on out-of-pocket prescription drug costs. Once this cap is reached, beneficiaries enter the catastrophic coverage phase. Starting in 2025, insurers will be responsible for 60% of costs in this phase, while Medicare and drug manufacturers will each cover 20%.

Medicare Changes
Image by CLS Digital Arts from Shutterstock

4. ‘Breakthrough’ medical devices

Project 2025 proposes bringing back a rule called Medicare Coverage of Innovative Technologies, which was canceled by the Biden administration in 2021 before it could be implemented. This rule would have allowed Medicare beneficiaries to access “breakthrough” medical devices more quickly, covering them after the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved them through an expedited process.

The Biden administration repealed the rule, having concerns that these devices have unknown or unexpected risks. Since this is a federal rule and not a law, the Trump administration could reinstate it without needing Congress’s approval, However, they would still need to give public notice and allow for comments on the proposal.

Leila Sullivan, a research fellow at Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy noted,  “If the Trump administration wants to bring it back, based on their agency leadership choices, I can’t think of anyone who would effectively oppose it”.

So, what do you think about Medicare changes? We will encounter a lot of changes after Donald Trump returns to office, but Medicare is, by far, one of the most important aspects of American society. Our seniors should be protected at all costs.

Are you interested in reading more health-related content? Check this out: 9 Surprising Ways to Boost Your Immune System Naturally. Considering the cold season, no matter the political and economic choices our state makes, we should all take proper care of ourselves. Nowadays, staying healthy is crucial. So, paying attention to how we treat ourselves in our daily routines plays a huge role in our overall well-being and keeps us far away from hospitals.
In the article, you’ll find a lot of home remedies that can significantly boost your immune system, making you stronger than ever. One of the key pieces of advice is to make sure you get enough sleep and enough Zinc. Zinc is a mineral that plays a vital role in immune function, so, if you don’t have it at your home, make sure to purchase it. You can easily find it on Amazon and you can also see its amazing reviews.

Make sure to speak to your doctor before taking any kind of supplements or medication. Once you receive the permission, you can start taking Zinc every day and feel the improvements.

How do you deal with the cold season? And what do you do to boost your immune system? Let us know in the comment section found below, and this way, we’ll create a useful chat for us. Some of our readers might be looking for this kind of information. So, let’s help them out!

Do you know any secrets that can’t be found in the article we recommended? Share your secrets with us!

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