Category: Medical Conditions

liver failure
Medical Conditions

6 Scary Things Most People Experience Before Liver Failure

What is liver failure? Acute liver failure is mainly defined as a sudden loss of liver function in a person who did not have any prior liver illness. Hepatitis infection or drugs like acetaminophen are the most prevalent causes. Acute liver failure is uncommon compared to chronic liver failure, which takes longer to develop. Acute liver failure, sometimes called fulminant

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kidney stones
Medical Conditions

8 Signs You Might Have Kidney Stones

Kidney stones, also known as nephroliths or renal calculi, are the most prevalent urinary system health problem. Every year, around 600,000 kidney stone cases are reported in the United States. Stones are hard mineral pieces that can develop in the kidneys. They are frequently tiny enough to pass through your body through your urine. However, if they are extremely huge,

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Medical Conditions

6 Ways to Keep Your Thyroid Happy

First, what does the thyroid do? As lots of patients don’t know exactly the basic stuff about thyroid, we’re here to unfold the very basic stuff you need to know. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that is located in the neck and controls your metabolism. As a general rule, an overactive thyroid, a phenomenon that’s also known as hyperthyroidism,

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heart disease
Medical Conditions

The Link Between Your Heart and Skin

Did you know that your dermatologist might be the first to see early indicators of heart disease or cardiovascular illness? Cardiovascular disease happens to be a catch-all phrase for a variety of medical diseases affecting the heart and blood arteries. Another general term for medical problems that impact the heart’s appropriate function is heart disease. Cardiovascular illnesses include heart disease.

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Medical Conditions

Got Your Blood Test Results Back? Here’s What They Mean

What do you need to know when you get your blood test? One of the most important things you need to do in order to keep up with your overall physical well-being is to have regular blood tests. By getting tested at routine intervals, you will be able to keep track of the way your body changes over time, and

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Medical Conditions

10 Reasons You May Need Cataracts Surgery ASAP

Why you may need cataracts surgery ASAP Cataracts is a medical condition that is very serious if you don’t treat it right, it might lead to blindness. To understand this term better, doctors explained that cataracts are a cloudy area in the lens of the eyes that leads to a decrease in vision. Usually, cataracts develop slowly and might affect

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Medical Conditions

Seeing This on Your Feet? Here’s What It Really Means

…Believe it or not, your feet can tell a lot about your health! If you’ve read any of our articles, you know that we believe that every single detail on our bodies indicates that there is something happening on the inside. Your feet are no exception. If you notice that you have constant pain when you walk, or there’s something

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Medical Conditions

9 Shocking Reasons Why Your Stomach Hurts All the Time

Did you know that there are some serious reasons why your stomach hurts all the time? It’s not uncommon for your stomach to feel a bit off occasionally, maybe after eating a big and delicious meal, indulging in sweets and ice cream if you are lactose intolerant, eating too fast, drinking cold water, and so many other reasons. However, if

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Medical Conditions

10 Serious Signs Your Kidneys Need Help

Have you ever wondered if your kidneys were suffering from something? If you’ve ever felt like you have puffy eyes, are constantly tired, or are unable to focus properly, it might be because of your kidneys. When your body communicates symptoms, consider seeing a doctor if they persist. More than 37 million American adults have kidney disease, and most of

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Medical Conditions

7 Genius Ways to Manage Your Arthritis

Do You Suffer From Arthritis? It starts with a minor ache. You notice that your grocery bags feel heavier than in the past, despite them being light. Your knees begin to hurt when it rains. Your joints are slowly getting worse, and you’ve been ignoring the signs for too long. There’s a chance you could be developing arthritis. At least

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